ATTENTION: Small business owners who feel like their message is unclear or their sales are lacking...

"Discover The Secrets To Rebranding Your Business So You Can Attract More Clients, Make More Sales, And Grow Your Business With Integrity And Focus!"

If you're feeling scattered or aren't sure how to take your business to the next level, this is for you...

From: Jason Maxey
RE: Your brand is costing you money...

Dear Small Business Owner,

Quick! When your clients think of you, what's the first thing that comes to their minds?

If you have to pause to think about that for more than a second or two, your brand is not working.

Yes, that might sound harsh, but it's true. We don't have to pause to think about what FedEx or Amazon or PayPal does, because they've all built strong brands. We don't have to consider a variety of options when we think of what Ally Brown or Pat Flynn do. Their messages are clear.

And because there is no ambiguity in their brands, you can bet they're also at the top of the profits game.

But that's not where most of us are. In fact...

Branding Is One Of The Biggest Struggles
Entrepreneurs Face

It's not your fault, though. Here's why.

As an entrepreneur, you're full of ideas. Shiny objects call to you. New products and services are constantly on your mind, each more exciting than the last.

While that might look great at first glance, there's a huge problem with your entrepreneurial spirit...


Lack Of Focus And No Clear Vision Make Your Business Branding Chaotic And Unappealing To Customers

Imagine you're looking for a solution for shipping your handmade artwork to customers. It needs to be fast and cost effective. You find several options. One has great prices, but a quick look at the website shows they not only ship packages, but they also sell cupcakes and mentor at-risk teens and offer ghostwriting services.

How's your confidence in their ability to get your package to the buyer on time?

Pretty slim, I'm guessing, and it's all because they don't have a clear brand. And that's just the mistake many small business owners are making with their branding and message, and it's costing them sales.

If your brand and your message are not crystal clear (even to you), don't worry...

Creating A Solid, Recognizable And Clear Brand Isn't As Challenging As You Think!


Introducing Business Brand Makeover: How to Transform Your Message Into a Powerful Brand That Makes an Impact and Attracts More Clients.

Inside this comprehensive 4-module course, you'll discover all the strategies top brands use to achieve laser focus with their brand, and how you can put those same techniques to work for you.

We'll start by defining your purpose and identity:

Module 1: Redesigning Your Brand Message
to Align with Your Purpose

  • The critical difference between your brand and a brand element--get this right and the rest will be much easier
  • 2 proven methods to creating your brand identity--and why a careful merging of both will help you create a rock solid brand
  • Why third person branding will likely not work well for you--and what to do instead
  • 4 questions that will help you achieve ultimate authenticity--and instant brand recognition
  • Why storytelling works--and the key to making it work for YOU!
  • The one thing you must do in all your interactions to ensure authenticity--get this wrong, and your business will suffer
  • 2 powerful credibility boosters--and where to include each in your own branding efforts
  • An in-depth look inside a branding strategy that worked for one company--and why
  • A peek inside one big brand's move that was not so successful--you must avoid making the very obvious mistake they made, or your brand will suffer

Once you've discovered your true purpose and clarified your own identity, it's time to take a look at what really drives you and where your passions lie. When this is clear, you can easily raise your rates, work less, and earn more!

Module 2: How to Create Clarity about Who You Are and
What You Do to Attract More Targeted Leads

  • The true secret to creating a powerful brand identity--miss this, and you'll confuse your audience (and a confused person does not buy!)
  • How to effectively pare down your offerings so you can focus on what's truly important--your customers (and your bank account) will thank you for it!
  • 3 questions to ask yourself about your current business--digging deep here will help ensure you build a business you love (and that makes a tidy profit!)
  • A solid, 4-step plan that--once you work through it--will instantly clarify your business branding
  • 3 ways to help crystallize your story and your brand--spend a few hours getting this right, and the rest will fall into place effortlessly
  • A concise fill-in-the-blank mission statement--simply adding a few phrases about you and your market will help clarify your new branding
  • How to nail your benefits--when your clients know exactly what's in it for them, you can write your own paycheck
  • How to write compelling sales copy--this is one skill you can't afford to slack off on!

But clarity about what you do and who you are is just the beginning. Now it's time to dig deep and identity your perfect client. When you know exactly who your market is, you'll stop wasting time on tire-kickers and others who don't make your heart sing with joy at the thought of going to work every day.

Module 3: Build Your Dream Client Blueprint to
Invite In More of Your Ideal Clients

  • Why creating your ideal client avatar is critical to your branding success--and how to quickly identify her
  • How to put your creative writing skills to good use when creating your ideal client avatar--and why you must not skip this important step.
  • 4 questions you must answer about your ideal client--without knowing the answers to these, you won't really know who your market is at all
  • Why your ideal client should be more about YOU than her--get this part wrong, and you'll build a solid, profitable brand you hate!
  • How to use your ideal client avatar to write copy that helps readers self-select--when you do this, you'll automatically build a highly targeted audience
  • How to use surveys to find out exactly what your clients and customers want--and are willing to pay for
  • How to use your data to reach more readers--this one tip alone will bring in highly qualified buyers with very little work on your part!
  • 11 questions to ask yourself about every product or service you provide or are considering--only when you properly align your products with your brand will you truly be successful
  • How to quickly decide if a new product or client project is right for you--this simple system will help you stay on track and avoid taking on jobs that aren't in keeping with your new brand

Finally, it's not enough just to be clear in your purpose and your market. You absolutely must take the necessary steps to ensure your brand is instantly recognizable to everyone you meet.

Module 4: How to Create Powerful Brand Recognition
that Will Immediately Create Trust and Open Doors
to High-End Opportunities

  • 3 ways to ensure branding consistency--if you aren't consistent, you'll have a hard time attracting the right clients
  • Tiny inconsistencies that will dilute your branding--if you're already making these mistakes, your potential customers are noticing!
  • Why it's not enough to brand your website--be sure you check these other critical online spaces as well!
  • How to develop--and consistently maintain--your branding voice
  • 5 ways to solidify your voice--get this right, and you'll be instantly recognizable no matter where you are seen
  • When to bring in the professionals--and how to make the most of your budget by carefully choosing the projects that must be outsourced (we have a list to get your started)
  • 7 sales funnel tactics that will not only build your brand recognition, but help you grow your business with high-ticket offers

If all this sounds like a lot of work...well, it is. But don't worry. This step-by-step course takes you by the hand and leads you through each step so you'll not only know what to do, but why you're doing it. You'll understand clearly how each aspect of your brand enhances the others, so as you go on to develop new products and services, you'll know exactly what's a good fit...and what really won't work for you.

No more random collection of products. No more brand chaos. No more confused customers.

Of course, with any undertaking of this size, there's bound to be some hesitancy. That's why I'm guaranteeing your purchase with my...


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Why are we doing this? Because we're 100% CONFIDENT that this system will work wonders for you - if we don't deserve your money!


Good Branding Is What Separates The Super-Successful From The "Just Getting By"

Stop wasting your time and energy as a member of that second group. It's time to clarify your branding with laser focus, so you can finally attract those high-end clients you deserve.

Don't wait. Grab a spot in this powerful course today.

Jason Maxey

P.S. Branding is more than your website colors and logo choice. It's about your mission, your ideal client, and what gets you out of bed in the morning. I'll help you finally create a rock solid brand that tells your unique story, and brings in the clients you truly want to work with.

Register today.

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